Thursday, January 22, 2009

Teachers are...

Today I was asked if I could sew from an 8th grade boy and he wasn't being sexist. He was in need of a seamstress to fix the hole that had gotten ripped in his sweatshirt.  Of course I volunteered to mend the hoodie in hopes of gaining a closer bond and some more trust with this student. He desperately needs some help and direction, and if a mended sweatshirt can be a start, well start tearing holes in them more often!!
Not only am I patching it, but I washed it and am in the process of drying it- something I'm not sure that has ever happened to it before. 8th grade boys don't always care about clean clothes!
That's what teachers are for... not only to teach in the class room but to help them out in whatever is going on in their lives. I enjoy that.
Ft. Worth Livestock Show is this weekend! It has slowly become a tradition for my family to go. This year for Christmas, we ALL got Carhartt jackets so make sure to look for all of us matching nerds! Even better, the temperature is supposed to drop some so we will actually have a reason to wear them!

Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm baaaaack!

Oops. Apparently I have forgotten about this. I'll catch you up in a sentence or 2. Subbed all spring, played housewife all summer, got 2 doggies (Marley the daschund and George the mini schnauzer), got a job as an 8th grade teacher and coach, got a Tahoe & Murano, got swamped by work, conquered(ing) work and athletics, Christmas break to West Virginia and Maryland, and back to school. Plus Matt. And house. And dirty dishes & laundry. And.... all of the every day life details.
We have visited the same church the past 2 weekends and have yet to hear a normal sermon yet-small groups and a special speaker. It reminds me a lot of my home church. I actually saw the sign and it reminded me of LifePoint and that's why we went. 
We had a 7th grade B team tournament this weekend and took home 1st place! I'm so proud of my girls!
Matt informed me the other day that we are going on a trip for our anniversary which falls one week before spring break. He has told me I don't need my passport but that we are flying, will be wearing swimsuits most of the time, and to bring my hiking clothes as well. He said he's not tell me much more so I will just have to wait. I'm excited!
Dinner's ready and I will return soon(er than last time)!